a constant temperature

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a constant temperature

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:42:09
  • 单语例句
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1. After special disinfection treatment, the flags are stored in a room with constant temperature and humidity.

2. They also stored wine in their extensive cellars, which remain at a constant temperature and 80 percent humidity.

3. The egg is cooked at a constant temperature of 65 C, making it soft and silky.

4. They live in three pens held at a constant temperature, similar to their natural habitat.

5. The temperature of the hot spring in Huangshan Mountain is a constant 42 degree.

6. The amenity from the constant temperature massage shower nozzle which pours a large amount of water is enough to wipe away the tiredness of trip.


1. Because the occurrence of interface layers such as SiO_x and silicate at the atternative high k dielectric/Si is a major issure, which may lower the overall dielectric constant. In our experiments, an interface layer was observed enen for a very thin Er_2O_3 film at a very low temperature, which is supposed to attributed to the effect of the Er atom catalytic oxidation effect.


2. It indicated that a-C: F films deposited at higher microwave power have a better thermal stability. And the films deposited at R. T were mainly composed by CF2 and CF as well as C=C bonding. F is desorbed with C with the form of CFx at lower annealing temperature and the transformation of the band state of C atom from SP* to SP2 occurs at higher annealing temperature which enhances the C=C bonding of a-C:F film. Thefilms take on amorphous structure even after 400C annealing. There is a close relationship between relative concentration of C=C bond and optical band gap and a lower optical band gap corresponds to a better thermal stability. Both dielectric constant and dielectric loss increased after annealing due to the loss of F and enhanced orientation polarization, respectively.

3. One group of slabs (B1, B3 and B5) was loaded under high temperature after heating to a constant temperature. Another group (B2, B4 and B6) was loaded after heating to temperature, holding them at constant temperature and then naturally cooling to ambient.

4. A sensor chip has a piezo-resistive bridge, a temperature resistive bridge, and a multifunctional resistor network that can be used to provide span compensation when operating the piezo-resistive bridge in a constant current mode.


5. Use of safe and reliable heat conduction oil heating system to ensure a constant temperature of the process of follow-up together, follow-up combined pressure of the pneumatic system by a reliable and guaranteed.


6. Using ancient techniques, a constant temperature and humidity can be achieved in the caves all year round, ensuring perfect development of every cheese Emmi produces.

7. Because there is no constant boiling point and boiling temperature between DMAC and Water has a very large gap, the target of separation can be obtained by the means of rectification. We adopt the way of area, which was suggested by Herrington, to verify thermodynamics coherence.


8. It is confirmed from fluorescence data that the quenching effect of FBS on the BSA fluorescence is a single static quenching process. The fluorescence quenching data was analyzed using the Stern-Volmer equation and double-logarithm equation. The binding constant and binding sites were 1.04×10 and 1.09 at ambient temperature (26), respectively. It is revealed from the above results that the bonding of FBS with BSA leads to a significant change of the secondary structure of BSA.

9. After many years of efforts and constant innovation, attention to the introduction of advanced engineering and technical personnel, pay attention to digest foreign brand-name products of similar experience, have developed the electric heating, gas burning heating and diesel combustion heating, wood burning heating and other forms of heat-hanging empty tunnel furnace, Automatic transmission chain hanging furnace, with automatic transmission network tunnel furnace, vertical oven, high-temperature heat treatment furnace, hot-melt wax (for a number of tanks at the same time heating), spray paint lines, and various industrial baking Heating equipment.

10. At present, the usual method of screen is electric aging in which all devices are aged with a constant power or a constant current under high temperature and then the early failed devices are selected.

11. We have constant temperature experimental apparatus, ultrasonic cleaning machines, high-precision Abbe Refractometer calibration using modern high-precision equipment and testing instruments, has a number of professional and technical high, the practice of high-tech experienced team to forge a solid foundation for enterprise development.


12. The variable connectivity index is used in the modeling of the physical properties of polymers. A new model is proposed for the heat capacity at constant pressure of solid and liquid polymers at room temperature, which is simple and has good accuracy as well as predictive capability.


13. Using a single pulse solar cell tester with constant light intensity for 5ms, we have studied the performance of conventional crystalline silicon solar cell with low concentrator(1~10 sun)and cells temperature of 15~110℃at laboratory.


14. Dongguan Jian Qiao Equipment Co., Ltd was established for many years, located in Guangdong Province Tangxia Tangxia Town, Dongguan City Industrial Zone on the 30th the first company has been engaged in the electronic testing equipment, environmental test equipment sales services and the development of automatic test system, the main product has: testing machine, furniture testing machine, swing machine, optical quality control testing instruments, wire tester, wear-resistant machine, constant temperature and humidity machine, optical image measuring instrument, wire testing machine, office chair repeated impact test machine, a desk drawer repeated testing machine, office chair backrest repeated testing machine, office chairs rotary life testing machine, officelife test machine, plug line hoist swing test, MIT-style folding strength testing machine, tensile testing machine, micro-computers, paper tube compression testing machine, aging test machine, testing machine decolorization extent, resistant to rubbing tester, testing machine embrittlement, sudden pull test machine, testing machine, such as bonding strength.

15. It was found that the activation energy deduced from the modified Arrhenius equation is a constant independent of temperature.

16. Results on the evolution of deformation resistance measure by different techniques, like constant strain rate, creep, or stress relaxation, are collected into a convenient and largely material-independent frame of temperature-normalized strain rate against shear modulus-normalized stress.

17. A microwave resonant cavity based method for wet air humidity measurement is presented in this paper. The calculation model of equivalent dielectric constant of wet air at different temperature and humidity is established. A specially structured resonant cavity with annular grid at its both ends was designed for the humidity measurement of flowing wet air.

18. The rate of deformation of a sample to stress at a constant temperature is known as the creep rate.

19. M at 160K excited at 576nm has three radiative deactivations: One is the strong and fast fluorescence decay with a time constant of 18ps at resonant emission of the J-band (580nm), and its decay time is not almost changed with the temperature; The other two are also fluorescence decay with lifetime of 24ps at 630nm and 60ps at 670nm, respectively.

20. In the extrusion of a certain amount of cases, where extpuded main motor speed constant linear velocity of the compound, the faster the composite layers of thin, hot-melt temperature will drop coated to reduce calories on oilysludge, a drill-molten resin heyly, thus causing a decline in Peel strength.

  • 临近词
It must be kept at a constant temperature.(它必须贮藏在恒温下。)
The strain response of the fluorescence lifetime is tested at a constant temperature with the fluorescence lifetime as the sensing parameter.(本文利用荧光衰减寿命作为传感参量,在保持系统环境温度不变的条件下对荧光寿命的应变响应进行了测试。)
Thermal comfort exists if the human body in thermal equilibrium with its environment, implying a constant temperature of the body.(若人体与环境达成热平衡,以保持体温恒定,就谓之具有热舒适性。)
The huge spring is very unique, for it is neither too cold nor too hot, with a constant temperature of about 20 degrees centigrade.(这里的巨泉很独特,因为它既不太冷,也不太热,常年温度保持在20摄氏度左右。)
In the hot repressing of the powder sintered preforms, the increasing forging force increases its densities at a constant temperature.(在相同温度下进行粉末烧结体热复压,锻造力的增加往往使锻造密度也增加。)
Design of a complete set of anaerobic fermentation device. It contents an anaerobic reactor, a constant temperature system by circulating hot water, and a gas collection device.(设计了整套厌氧发酵试验装置,它包括发酵主体反应器、水浴恒温循环系统、集气装置三大部分。)
Then the suspension of pl was mixed with HA solution and the complex was obtained after stirring under a constant temperature for a definite time.(即首先利用薄膜分散超声破碎法制备pl水分散液,然后与HA的水溶液混合,恒定温度搅拌一定时间得到复合物。)
The sample flask is immersed in a constant temperature bath.(将试瓶浸入恒温水浴中。)
By contrast, the viscosity of a melt of a plastic at a constant temperature changes markedly as the shear rate changes.(与之对比的是,塑料熔体在一定温度下粘度随着剪切速率的变化而变化。)
A black body maintained at a constant temperature is a full radiator at that temperature because the radiation reaching and leaving it must be in equilibrium.(黑色物体在恒温条件下是温度的完全辐射器,因为到达和离开该物体的辐射量必须保持平衡。)
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